These circumstances, in connection with the fact that innumerable observations of physicians, and not infrequently my own experience, had shown that an eruption of itch suppressed by faulty practice or one which had disappeared from the skin through other means was evidently followed, in persons otherwise healthy, by the same or simi- lar symptoms; these circumstances, 1 repeat, could leave no doubt in my mind as to the internal foe which 1 had to combat in my medical treatment of such cases . . . 1
To most of us in the modern world, this concept may seem a bit simplistic. Nevertheless, it does fit what has thus far been said concern- ing suppression of symptoms from peripheral levels to deeper levels. This is a good example of the way in which the resonant frequency of the organism can be changed, thus creating susceptibility to deeper ailments. In Chronic Diseases, Hahnemann quotes a large number of cases which demonstrate this principle very convincingly:
A boy of 13 years having suffered from his childhood with Tinea Capitis had his mother remove it for him, but he became very sick within eight or ten days, suffering with asthma, violent pains in the limbs, back and knee, which were not relieved until an eruption of Itch broke out over his whole body a month later. (Pelargus, [Storch] obs. clin. Jahrg., 1722, p. 435)
Tinea Capitis in a little girl was driven away by purgatives and other medicines, but the child was attacked with oppression of the chest, cough and great lassitude. It was not until she stopped taking the medicines, and the Tinea broke out again, that she recovered her cheerfulness and this, indeed, quickly. (Pelargus, Breslauer Sam- mlung v. Jahrg., 1727, p. 293)
A 3-year-old girl had the Itch, for several weeks; when this was driven out by an ointment she was seized the next day by a suffocating catarrh with snoring, and with numbness and coldness of the whole body, from which she did not recover until the Itch re-appeared. (Suffo- cating Catarrh, Ehrenfr. Hagendorn, Hist. Med. Phys. Cent. I, hist. 8, 9)
A boy of 5 years suffered for a long time from Itch, and when this was driven away by a salve it left behind a severe melancholy with a cough. (Riedlin, obs. Cent. II, obs. 90, Augsburg, 1691)
A girl of 12 years had the Itch with which she had frequently suf- fered, driven away from the skin by an ointment, when she was seized with an acute fever with suffocative catarrh, asthma and swelling, and afterward with pleurisy. Six days afterward, having taken an internal
1. Samuel Hahnemann, Chronic Diseases, translated by louis H. Tafel from the second enlarged Ger- man edition (Philadelphia: Boericke & Tafel, 1896; Calcutta: l. ringer, 1975), pp. 19-22.