
The Science of Homeopathy – page 119

To find out then the reason why all the medicines known to Homeopa- thy failed to bring a real cure in the above-mentioned diseases . . . oc- cupied me since the year 1816, night and day; and behold! The Giver of all good things permitted me within this space of time to gradually solve this sublime problem through unremitting thought, indefatigable inquiry, faithful observation and the most accurate experiments made for the welfare of humanity.

It was a continually repeated fact that the non-venereal chronic diseases, after being time and again removed homeopathically, al- ways returned in a more or less varied form and with new symptoms, or reappeared annually with an increase of complaints. This fact gave me the first clue that the Homeopathic physician with such a chronic (non-venereal) case, has not only to combat the disease presented be- fore his eyes, and must not view and treat it as if it were a well-defined disease, to be speedily and permanently destroyed and healed by or- dinary Homeopathic remedies, but that he had always to encounter some separate fragment of a more deep-seated original disease . . . He, therefore, must first find out as far as possible the whole extent of all the accidents and symptoms belonging to the unknown primitive malady before he can hope to discover one or more medicines which may homeopathically cover the whole of the original disease by means of its peculiar symptoms . . .

But that the original malady sought for must be also of a mias- matic chronic nature clearly appeared to me from this circumstance, that after it has once advanced and developed to a certain degree it can never be removed by the strength of any robust constitution, it can never be overcome by the most wholesome diet and order of life, nor will it die out of itself. . .

I had come thus far in my investigations and observations with such non-venereal patients, when I descovered, even in the beginning, that the obstacle to the cure of many cases which seemed delusively like specific, well-defined diseases, and yet could not be cured in a Homeopathic manner with the then proved medicines, seemed very often to lie in a former eruption of itch, which was not infrequently confessed; and the beginning of all the subsequent sufferings usually dated from that time. So also, with similar chronic patients who did not confess such an infection, or, what was probably more frequent, who had, from inattention, not perceived it, or, at least, could not remember it. After a careful inquiry it usually turned out that little traces of it (small pustules of itch, herpes, etc.) had showed themselves with them from time to time, even if but rarely, as an indubitable sign of a former infection of this kind.