
The Science of Homeopathy – page 112

and may well contract the disease upon exposure, despite vaccination. Such cases are relatively rare, because few people have such a high degree of health in our modern world; thus, statistics show the “effec- tiveness” rate of vaccinated populations to be in the range of 10%-15% depending upon the particular type of immunization.9,10 Unfortunately, such statistics are not truly measures of vaccine effectiveness; rather, they are measures of the low state of health of the population.

The third type of reaction is the very strong reaction with compli- cations. This also indicates that the susceptibility of the organism to the disease is quite high, but in this case the defense mechanism is too weak to counteract the morbific stimulus of the vaccine, so a deep illness is produced. This is perhaps the most tragic circumstance, be- cause if the patient survives the complication at all, his state of health may remain impaired for a very long time. It is in such cases that we see the development of chronic conditions of great severity, dating from the time of the vaccination. The weakening of the defense mech- anism in such cases can be so severe that even careful homeopathic prescribing may require years to return the person to health. It is true that if such a sensitive person were to be exposed to the epidemic, the same complications would ensue; but who is to say that all of these people would be exposed at all?

In homeopathy, any chronic condition which can be traced to a vac- cination is called vaccinosis. In his book Vaccinosis, J. Compton Bur- nett presents his very detailed cases which demonstrate clearly that vaccinations can have profoundly disturbing and lasting influences on the health of susceptible individuals.11 His cases involved admin- istration of smallpox vaccination, but modern homeopaths see similar cases of vaccinosis occurring after rabies, measles, polio, influenza, typhoid, paratyphoid, and even tetanus vaccines.

The fact that vaccinosis is indeed due to vaccination and not merely coincidence is seen by the fact that many cases are dramatically ben- efitted by administration of a potentized preparation of the particular vaccine used. For example, suppose we see a case who has suffered for many years from chronic sinusitis since receiving a smallpox vac- cination to which she had reacted mildly the first time; in such a case, Variolinum 1 M (a 1000c potency of the smallpox vaccine itself) may completely clear up the entire condition. In other cases, we see patients, who simply do not respond to well-selected homeopathic prescriptions; once the vaccine is identified, and the corresponding potentized prepa-

9. V. Tudor and I. Stratt, Smallpox: Cholera (Turnbridge Wells, Kent: Abacus Press, 1977), p. 133.

10. P. Wright et al., “Safety and Antigenicity of Influenza A/Hong/Kong/ 68-ts-l [E] (H3N3) Vaccine in Young Seronegative Children,” Journal of Pediatrics 87: 1109-1116 (Dec. 1975).

11. Burnett, Vaccinosis.