
The Science of Homeopathy – page 100

provings of belladonna), will respond to even just a few drops of bel- ladonna tincture. The response may be minimal, however, and short- acting. If a 12x potency of belladonna is given, the relief will likely be more dramatic. If, however, we administer a 10,000c potency, the re- sponse will likely be a complete disappearance of all symptoms within a matter of hours, with no relapse whatsoever.

We also see other types of cases in which the crude form of the substance, as well as low potencies up to 30c, do not act at all. Once the correct potency is reached, however, if it be as high as 100,000c, a dramatic and lasting cure follows.

The assertion that by mere succussion and serial dilution the thera- peutic power of a substance can be increased without limit while nul- lifying toxicity certainly seems to violate our usual understanding of physics and chemistry. The clinical results of homeopaths the world over, routinely using potencies beyond Avogadro’s number, cannot be denied, but what then is actually occurring during the process of po- tentization?

We know that dilution alone is not sufficient to produce the phe- nomenon. Succussion adds kinetic energy to the solution, which is crucial. If one merely succusses a solution without diluting it further, a raise in level of only one potency occurs, regardless of how many times it is succussed; therefore, both succussion and dilution are re- quired. We also know that the more there is succussion and dilution, the more the therapeutic power is increased, even beyond the point of there being even one molecule of the original substance remaining.

As far as is yet known, there is no available explanation in modern physics or chemistry for this phenomenon. It appears that some new form of energy is released by this technique. The energy which is con- tained in a limited form in the original substance is somehow released and transmitted to the molecules of the solvent. Once the original sub- stance is no longer present, the remaining energy in the solvent can be continually enhanced ad infinitum. The solvent molecules have taken on the dynamic energy of the original substance. We know from clini- cal results that the therapeutic energy still retains the “vibrational fre- quency” of the original substance, but the energy has been enhanced to such a degree that it is capable of stimulating the dynamic plane of the patient sufficiently to produce a cure.

Hahnemann’s discoveries of the process of potentization and the Law of Similars have truly revolutionized the scientific potential of therapeutics. On the one hand, the principle of the Law of Similars provides us with a method of matching resonant vibrations of virtu- ally any substance in the environment with that of the patient. As we