
The Science of Homeopathy – page 99

Let us now describe how homeopathic pharmacies prepare their homeopathic medicines. Detailed descriptions will be provided in Chapter 11, but it is important here to give a brief description for the sake of clarity. Initially, the substance is dissolved in an alcohol/water solution in a standard chemical or botanical manner. One drop of this “tincture” is then diluted into 9 or 99 drops of 40% alcohol/water solu- tion. This dilution is then succussed with great force 100 times. One drop of the succussed dilution is then added to 9 or 99 drops of fresh solvent; this is then succussed 100 times again, and diluted as before. This process can be carried out literally forever, always increasing the therapeutic power while nullifying the toxic properties.

In homeopathy, there is a specific nomenclature for each “potency” or dilution. If the serial dilutions are done on the basis of 1/10, the scale is called the “decimal” scale, and the resulting potency numbers are designated by “x”; e.g., the first 1/10 dilution is called a lx potency, the second a 2x potency, the thirtieth dilution 30x. If the dilutions are made 1/100, the scale is called the “centesimal” scale, designated by a “c”; the first 1/100 dilution is then called a lc, the thirtieth dilution 30c, and the thousandth dilution 1000c.

According to the laws of chemistry, there is a limit to how many serial dilutions can be made without losing the original substance al- together. This limit is called Avogadro’s number, and it roughly cor- responds to a homeopathic potency of 24x (which is equivalent to 12c). Thus, any potency beyond 24x or 12c has virtually no chance of con- taining even one molecule of the original substance. One would think that further potentization would cease to be effective at this point, but in actual fact potencies ranging far beyond this “limit” continue to increase in power. Thus far, there has not been found any limit what- soever, even though homeopaths often successfully use potencies over 100,000c! To give the reader some idea of how extremely dilute such a potency is, let us describe the dilutions in terms of a numerical frac- tion; Avogadro’s number would correspond roughly to a dilution rep- resented by 1/1000 … to a total of 24 zeroes. A potency of 100,000c would be represented by a dilution of 1/100,000 … to a total of 100,000 zeroes – inconceivably far beyond the point at which not one molecule of original substance is left!

How do we actually know that the therapeutic power of potencies truly increases with further dilution and succussion? This is confirmed by the frequent clinical observations of all homeopaths. once the cor- rect remedy is selected according to the Law of Similars, it is true that it will act even in crude form. For example, a patient with a belladonna fever (with all the individualizing homeopathic symptoms found in the