transformed into health.”
To affect directly the dynamic plane, we must find a substance simi- lar enough to the resultant frequency of the dynamic plane to produce resonance. Since the defense mechanism’s only manifestation percep- tible to our senses is the symptoms and signs of the person, it follows that we must seek a substance which can produce in the human organ- ism a similar totality of symptoms and signs. If a substance is capable of producing a similar symptom picture in a healthy organism, then the likelihood of its vibration rate being very close to the resultant frequency of the diseased organism is good, and therefore a powerful strengthening of the defense mechanism can occur – through the prin- ciple of resonance.
It is this insight which is the fundamental pillar of the science of homeopathy: Similia Similibus Curentur, as it was coined by Hahn- emann. -” Like Cures Like.” Any substance which can produce a to- tality of symptoms in a healthy human being can cure that totality of symptoms in a sick human being.
Of course, this is a startling new principle in therapeutics. Through- out history, symptoms or groups of symptoms have been viewed as problems which must be eradicated immediately, and medical thought has focused all its attention on agents which can get rid of particular symptoms or syndromes. If a person has a runny nose, give a de- congestant. If a person has a pain, give an analgesic. If constipation, give a laxative. For nervousness, give a tranquilizer. This approach is based merely upon the symptom manifestation itself, rather than upon the original disturbance on the dynamic level. It does not respect the symptom as an attempt of the body to heal, and therefore its thera- peutics are not designed to strengthen the defense mechanism of the organism.
On the other hand, homeopathy (from homeo, meaning “similar,” and pathos, meaning “suffering”) recognizes symptoms as the defense mechanism’s best attempt to heal and endeavors to cooperate with it via the Law of Similars, which is a method arising out of the principle of resonance. How precisely this is done, of course, is the subject of the rest of this textbook, but we can give a simplified example to demon- strate what we mean.
Suppose your healthy, robust child suddenly develops a high fe- ver, a flushed face, glassy eyes with dilated pupils, dry mouth without thirst, a dry raw sore throat, swollen submaxillary glands which are more marked on the right side, and a wild kind of delirium causing him to try to climb the walls. The allopathic physician interprets these symptoms and signs as evidence of a viral or bacterial infection and