gies can directly strengthen the defense mechanism and thereby bring about a lasting cure. The drawback to this is that there will always be too few people of such spiritual evolution to effectively deal with the health problems of our age.
The third therapy which directly stimulates the dynamic plane is the administration of the homeopathically “potentized” remedy. The homeopathic science of therapeutics has demonstrated again and again extremely effective curative results in high percentages of cases, with long-lasting benefit. It is based on readily comprehensible principles, and it can be learned by any dedicated student in approximately the same amount of time required for allopathic medical training. Thus, it is a therapy which carries the possibility of producing a large number of qualified prescribers to meet the health needs of our populations.
In homeopathy, then, or indeed in any therapy acting on the dynam- ic plane, how do we discover the therapeutic agent which can directly resonate with the resultant frequency of the organism on the dynamic plane? We appear to be decades away from possessing technology re- fined enough to actually measure this frequency, so how exactly do we go about selecting the therapeutic agent which can stimulate power- fully the dynamic plane?
To begin with, it must be recalled that the dynamic plane in a rela- tively good state of health does not manifest itself; it balances and ad- justs the organism without the person having to focus awareness on its action. In disease, however, once a certain threshold has been crossed, the defense mechanism is called into play and eventually produces symptoms as the manifestation of its action.
Symptoms and signs are the only way we have of perceiving the workings of the defense mechanism. It is acting in the best possible manner for the benefit of the organism; for this reason, the symptoms and signs produced are actually attempts on the part of the organism to heal itself. This is undoubtedly a paradoxical concept to many read- ers, but reflection upon what has thus far been said will make this idea clear and logical.
Fever, malaise, loss of appetite, pain, emotional reactions, mental confusion as well as more refined and individualistic responses of each person are not problems in themselves but are rather the defense mech- anism’s best possible attempt to produce cure of a disturbance which originated upon the dynamic plane. Again, it is Samuel Hahnemann who first and most clearly stated this concept, in his Aphorism 7: “The totality of the symptoms must be the principal, indeed the only thing the physician has to make note of in every case of disease and to re- move by means of his art, in order that the disease shall he cured and