
The Science of Homeopathy – page 82

homeopathically with success, one sees a return of susceptibility to acute ailments; at first, these may be quite severe, but as homeopathic treatment proceeds, the ability to throw off such ailments becomes strengthened.

Once a state of illness is established at a particular level, the person will be relatively resistant to disease on other levels, but stimuli on the same level of resonance can still produce changes in the vibratory rate. Again, these stimuli may be due to drugs, emotional shocks, or environmental influences, but the stimuli must resonate with the vibra- tory rate of the organism in order to produce an effect. For example, suppose we have a patient with heart disease. If he receives news that his child has died – an emotional shock affecting the vibrational level corresponding to the heart – it is likely that the patient will develop a psychosis. Meanwhile, the symptoms of the heart dysfunction will disappear. The same could occur if the patient were to be treated by a powerful drug acting on the level of the heart.

Conversely, it is true that a beneficial stimulus matched to the cor- rect resonant frequency alters the vibration rate toward a direction of greater health. Such beneficial influence can occur by virtually any mode of therapy, but with most therapies, it occurs by accident, be- cause principles are not followed by which the resonant frequency of the therapeutic agent is matched to that of the illness. For example, electroshock usually relieves psychotic depression only temporarily, and certainly it has its own damaging effects on central nervous system function; yet, in rare instances, such cases experience permanent relief. This occurs because, by accident, the vibratory rate of the electroshock matches the resonant frequency of susceptibility closely enough that the defense mechanism is strengthened. Unfortunately, physicians handling such cases do not realize what has happened and are then likely to use suppressive drugs whenever corresponding illnesses on the physical plane emerge, thus all too often throwing the patient back into a psychotic state.

Virtually any therapy can produce occasional curative responses in exactly this accidental manner. Psychotherapists or encounter groups may produce powerful benefits at a moment when the patient is recep- tive to such influences, and, if left alone, the benefit can be very last- ing. Unfortunately, the tendency of therapists is to probe still further instead of letting well enough alone; if by this process an emotional upset occurs on the new vibratory level, it may have a morbific influ- ence and thereby result in a relapse to the previous state – or often to one even worse. The same is true of herbal treatments, acupuncture, polarity massage, etc. All can produce benefit when the therapeutic