
The Science of Homeopathy – page 71


tain constant finger pressure on the transparent electrode. The se- quence was (a) normal, (b) State 1, (c) State 2, (d) State 3, (e) rest, and repeat sequence again and again. The results indicate that, indeed, the change in mental state manifests as a change in emission pattern. Since the rest state result corresponds more closely to the normal state result than that of either States 1, 2, or 3, and since two minutes does not seem like a long enough time for skin surface chemical changes to have occurred, we can deduce that other physiological effects are not important here and that we are monitoring a real internal state change.18

So, it can be seen that some very exciting observations are being made by modern biological scientists, that the results are intriguing enough to entice many researchers into the field, and that the results thus far seem to confirm the statements about the vital force and the defense mechanism presented herein.

The point of this quick survey of research is not to try to prove the existence and functioning of the vital force in detail, for the research is still too preliminary and unsophisticated for the purposes of a clini- cian. Nevertheless, these observations point to a direction which may be analogous to the changes which occurred in physics earlier in this century; if progress in such research continues as it seems to promise, we may well see the dawning of a new era in medicine – an era of en- ergy medicine.

Let us conclude this chapter by returning to the very astute ob- servations of a homeopathic physician of the nineteenth century, J.T. Kent. Dr. Kent describes the qualities of the vital force, which he terms “simple substance,” in profound detail. His thoughtful insights are li- able to be confirmed and reconfirmed by research for many decades to come.


  1. Simple substance is endowed with formative intelligence, i.e., it intelligently operates and forms the economy of the whole animal, vegetable and mineral kingdoms . . . The “simple substance” gives to everything its own type of life, gives it distinction, gives it identity whereby it differs from all other things. The crystal of the earth has its own association, its own identity; it is endowed with a simple sub- stance that will establish its identity from everything in the animal kingdom, everything in the mineral kingdom. This is due to the forma- tive intelligence of simple substance . . . Plants grow in fixed forms. So, it is with man from his beginning to his end; there is a continuous influx into man from his cause. Hence, man and all forms are subject

    1. Tiller, “A.R.E. Medical Symposium,” p. 17.