
The Science of Homeopathy – page 69

In the more recent paper, the electro-metric observations in 428 women were reported. In 75 patients with known cancer of the female generative tract, 98.7% showed the cervix to be consistently electro- negative to the ventral abdominal wall. In 353 patients suffering from non-malignant conditions 289 showed the cervix to be positive with respect to the abdomen (81.9%) . . .15

The findings in patients who have had follow-up electro-metric studies indicate that a reversal in polarity from negative to positive oc- curs after total hysterectomy for intra-epithelial carcinoma of the cer-

vix. This reversal is not found in cases with more advanced stages of cervical carcinoma (Stages 11 and 111), who have had either a radical operation or radium and X-ray therapy. Following a total hysterecto- my, women in whom a diagnosis of squamous metaplasia of the cervix had been made pre-operatively, show a similar reversal in polarity.

These findings suggest that the electro-metric correlates result from causes inherent in the tissue involved and if the involved tissue can be removed in its entirety reversal in potential occurs. Conversely reversal does not occur when all the tissue involved is not removed by operation.16 (Emphasis Dr. Langman’s.)

Leonard Ravitz, M.D., a distinguished American psychiatrist affili- ated with several universities and professional societies, also worked closely with Dr. Burr on several clinical studies. Psychotic patients were observed during their excited states, during quiescent states, and after successful treatment. Very striking results were consistently ob- tained on large numbers of patients. Particularly interesting to us were results correlating changes on the mental plane with changes in the electrodynamic field:

With regard to human experimental studies in which subjects serve as their own controls, one of the initial approaches compared shifts in individual states before and after hypnosis along with effects of hypno- sis as recorded and studied. Hypnotic and posthypnotic changes were then compared with corresponding field alterations. Disquietudes of all sorts induced in so doing have been studied electrometrkally and compared with those arising spontaneously both in waking and in hypnotic states. Further, changes have been measured before, during, and after various drugs and placebos, and proper dosages to achieve effects correlated with field intensities and polarities at given times. Similar experiments have likewise been conducted on effects of sub-

  1. Burr, The Fields of life, p. 153.
  2. Burr, The Fields of Life, p. 159.