Laboratory for Biological Cybernetics in the University of Leningrad Physiology Department. The research group led by Dr. Vasiliev’s suc- cessor, Dr. Pavel Gulyaiev, uses extremely sensitive high-resistance detection electrodes to chart the force field or “electrical aura,” as they call it.
The Soviets report that muscular reactions which accompany even a thought can be detected and measured and that the signals in the electrical aura reveal a great deal about the state of the organism. Dr. Gulyaiev feels that this force field may be the means by which com- munication between fish, insects, and animals occurs.
The Soviet research is directed toward using the force field detec- tors for medical diagnosis and PK. The signals generated by a thought could be picked up at a distance, amplified, and used to move objects.
Dr. Gulyaiev’s “electro-auragram” device is so sensitive it can measure the electrical field of a nerve. The nerves of a frog, for in- stance, have an electrical field of twenty-four centimeters. A nerve from the human heart has a field of ten centimeters. The electrical emanations around the body change according to health, mood, char- acter. The distance at which this field can be measured depends on the amount of tension generated. (See Parapsychology Newsletter, Jan.- Feb. 1969, May-June 1969).
The Sergeyev detectors apparently measure the human force field at a distance of four yards from the body.10
Another fascinating aspect of the Soviet research involves observa- tions on acupuncture points. Acupuncture is believed by the Chinese to be a technique whereby the flow of vital force through the body can be modified, channeled, and balanced by the insertion of needles at specific points. It is considered to be a therapy directly affecting the field of the vital force, and therefore the Soviet observations, though still preliminary, offer interesting speculations for further research:
There remains one last area of preliminary study to be reported: the possibility of a correlation between radiation photography and acupuncture. This is a subject discussed by T.C. Inyushin (1969) at length in a symposium. This research suggests that acupuncture points become visible through Kirlian photography. Using our apparatus, we have reached no final conclusions regarding this claim. However, in working with a skilled acupuncturist, we have observed dramatic differences in the corona before and after treatment in which a needle, or needles, were inserted into one or more acupuncture points.
10. Ostrander and Schroeder, Psychic Discoveries, p. 393..