
The Science of Homeopathy – page 63

give it direction. According to Dr. Henry Margenau, Eugene Higgins Professor of Physics and Natural Philosophy at Yale University, of all the known forces it is only electro-magnetic, or electro-dynamic, fields which can act as signposts to direct continuous chemical, metabolic, or molecular transformations in the system – fields which, in fact, appear to underwrite the development of structure even prior to any known chemical reactions.6

After thirty years of painstaking, systematic research into the sub- ject, these are the conclusions of Dr. Burr:

The following theory may then be formulated. The pattern or or- ganization of any biological system is established by a complex elec- tro-dynamic field which is in part determined by its atomic physio- chemical components and which in part determines the behavior and orientation of those components. This field is electrical in the physical sense and by its properties relates the entities of the biological system in a characteristic pattern and is itself, in part, a result of the existence of those entities. It determines and is determined by the components.

More than establishing pattern, it must maintain pattern in the midst of a physio-chemical flux. Therefore, it must regulate and control liv- ing things. It must be the mechanism, the outcome of whose activity is wholeness, organization, and continuity.7 (Emphasis Dr. Burr’s.)

While Dr. Burr was doing his work on bio-electric fields, a hus- band-wife team of scientists in Russia, Semyon and Valentina Kirlian, were developing another technique. The electrodynamic field perme- ating and surrounding all objects, whether living or nonliving, could be visualized photographically by exposing film to the object in the midst of a high intensity electromagnetic field. This method, known variously as “Kirlian photography” or “high-voltage photography,” has probably done more than any other observations to spark an incredible amount of investigation on the bioelectromagnetic field the world over, especially in the United States.

The work of the Kirlians first became widely known in the Unit- ed States because of the graphic description given in Ostrander and Schroeder’s Psychic Discoveries Behind the Iron Curtain:


Basically, photography with high frequency electrical fields in- volves a specially constructed high frequency spark generator or os- cillator that generated 75,000 to 200,000 electrical oscillations per


6. Ibid., p. 174.

7. Ibid., p. 29.