
The Science of Homeopathy – page 61

ness symptomized by convulsions, not only discharged electricity but also appeared to have electromagnetic properties. Any metal objects which she picked up would adhere to her open hand and would have to be forcibly pried away from her by another individual.

Nine years later, in Maryland, a sixteen-year-old boy with similar electromagnetic properties came to the attention of scientists at the Maryland College of Pharmacy because of his ability to suspend iron and steel rods, half an inch in diameter and twelve inches in length, from his fingertips. The boy could also lift a beaker of water filled with iron fillings merely by pressing three fingers against the side of the container. An audible clicking would occur when he pulled one of his fingers away.

Perhaps the most impressive of these cases was that of a fourteen- year-old girl in Missouri who, in 1895, suddenly seemed to turn into an electrical dynamo. When reaching for metal objects such as a pump handle her fingertips gave off sparks of such high voltage that she actually experienced pain. So strong was the electricity coursing through her body that a doctor who attempted to examine her was actually knocked onto his back, where he remained unconscious for several seconds. To the young lady’s relief, her ability to shock eventu- ally began to diminish and had vanished completely by the time she was twenty.3


One area of considerable interest involves research into the effects of electromagnetic fields upon the human organism; vast amounts of data have been accumulated, and a precise understanding of these ef- fects is emerging. Even without referring directly to such research, however, we can look to our own experience and that of our friends and neighbors to recognize that electromagnetic fields have definite effects on us on all levels of existence. “Dr. A. Podshibyakin discov- ered that in the presence of close-to-the-ground magnetic storms the electrical potential of the skin rises. Some people seem to experience a foreboding of these invisible whirlwinds in varying degrees. Some ex- perience these sensations twenty-four hours before the storm, others up to three or four days even before it registers on physical instruments.” 4 Such environmental electromagnetic influences may be considered in- direct evidence for the presence of a receptive electro-dynamic field intimately connected with the human organism.

One of the most systematic researchers in the field of measuring bio-electric fields was Harold Saxton Burr, M.D., of Yale University.


3. S. Krippner and D. Rubin, eds., The Kirlian Aura (New York: Anchor, 1974), p. 29.
4. Ibid., p. 147.