
The Science of Homeopathy – page 51

ity has moved from the physical to the emotional level at this point; therefore, the treatment was suppressive. Eventually, she begins a ben- eficial form of meditation practice, but over a period of months begins to suffer from allergic rhinitis. This symptom represents progression again to the physical plane, but on a deeper level than the skin – i.e., the mucous membranes. The sulkiness and irritability are alleviated, but she now suffers from an annoying allergic rhinitis with occasional acute episodes of sinusitis. If the rhinitis is further suppressed by an- tihistamines, allergy shots, antibiotics, or even intranasal cortisone in- jections, this patient will again experience either deterioration on the emotional plane more marked than previously, or deterioration on the physical level, developing bronchial asthma. Thus there may occur a linear degeneration of health on the same level, or the center of gravity may jump back to the emotional level – a sign indicating a more dis- couraging prognosis.

2. Another woman has had eczema for many years, but is suspi- cious of mere palliative treatment and therefore refuses the cortisone ointments. The eczema persists, although without getting worse. Then she experiences the sudden loss of her husband in an automobile ac- cident. This sudden shock weakens her on the emotional plane; the eczema disappears, but she now develops anxiety, nervousness, fears, or delusions. If this patient is given tranquilizers to calm the emo- tional symptoms, and if they happen to act curatively, then the eczema will reappear as the emotional symptoms subside. If the tranquilizers act suppressively, however, deterioration may occur in one of two di- rections, depending on the strength or weakness of her constitutional defense mechanism. If it is relatively strong, she would be likely to develop allergic rhinitis or bronchial asthma (a return to the physical plane, but on a deeper level than the skin). If it is not strong enough to cope with the suppressive influence of the tranquilizers, a deterioration on the deeper emotional or the mental level would ensue.

3. Another patient with long-standing eczema is treated by a ho- meopathic remedy prescribed on the totality of symptoms, and the ec- zema moves first from the face and torso out to the extremities, and finally leaves altogether. From what has been said thus far, this is obvi- ously a curative direction, and the long-term prognosis is excellent.

In these examples, we see correspondences between the physical and emotional planes, and also a predictable sequence of conditions on the physical level – from eczema, to allergic rhinitis, and to bronchial asthma. Each case proceeds differently depending upon the strength and the nature of the treatments given.