emotional states. The range of emotional expression can vary widely: love/hatred, joy/sadness, calmness/ anxiety, trust/anger, courage/fear, etc. Thus it is this level which is very close to the core of daily exis- tence of every individual.
Feelings as to their quality can be defined as positive or negative. Positive feelings are those tending to draw the individual toward a state of happiness; negative feelings are those tending to draw the individual toward a state of unhappiness. The more an individual feels or experi- ences negative feelings, the more unhealthy he or she is on this level. To measure the degree of emotional disturbance of a person is to find out how much, in his waking state, he is occupied with negative feel- ings such as apathy, irritability, anxiety, anguish, depression, suicidal thoughts, jealousy, hatred, envy, etc.
The most healthy and emotionally evolved people experience some of the most profound states known to mankind: mystical experiences, ecstasy, pure love, religious devotion, and a wide range of sublime feel- ings difficult to describe, and in our era limited to only a small number of rare beings. As a generalization, it can be said that imbalances on the emotional plane manifest themselves as heightened sensitivity to the sense of ourselves as vulnerable beings separate from the rest of creation; emotionally disturbed states tend to revolve around issues of personal comfort, personal survival, and personal expression. On the other hand, the most evolved emotional states tend to involve feelings of the Oneness of ourselves with all creation – love, bliss, devotion, etc. Thus positive feelings in an individual will always tend to create a sense of unification with the outside world; on the contrary, negative feelings will tend to produce a sense of isolation and separation from the outside world.
As we saw on the mental level, upon which a person can suffer from negative thoughts, so also on the emotional level a person can have negative feelings which create inner disturbance and disharmony within the environment. Positive feelings, on the contrary, strengthen the inner emotional state and create positive conditions in the environ- ment which enhance communication with people and thereby serve the community. When someone expresses trust to another, this very act elevates both and creates a greater psychic equilibrium. By contrast, an expression of anger or mistrust creates a disharmonious emotional state in everyone’s psyche, and in this way adds to the deterioration of community. Someone who lives with feelings of inner calm, joy, eu- phoria, etc., provides for himself and others the best possible emotional nourishment, which can only enhance the level of emotional health. A person, on the other hand, who lives continually with anxiety, sadness,