ronment. The more organized and coherent we become at the physical level, the more apparent is our disorganization, incoherence and imbal- ance at more subtle levels. As we evolve and become more integrated, the coherence extends to the more subtle levels, which become more energized, and the individual functions in the physical world under conditions of increased energy flux. Thus, smaller and smaller imbal- ances in the system scatter the energy flow significantly so that they are detected and diagnosed as disease.
This perspective is remarkably similar to the situation one observes during the development and maturation of many technologies. For ex- ample, the semiconductor industry, which evolved from the transistor to integrated circuits, is now working toward large-scale integration, where a million circuits will be placed on a single silicon chip. In the early days, the quality of the silicon material that performed well in circuit applications of that time would fail miserably if tested today. Today’s integrated circuits are orders of magnitude more demanding than those of a decade ago, our understanding of materials is more sophisticated, and our ability to sense departures from perfection is correspondingly greater. Thus, the greater degree of coherence of the system means that departures from perfection are more catastrophic to the function of the system and show up more readily.
In the past, we have not had adequate instrumentation to detect these subtle levels of energy that are so relevant to homeopathy. In the pres- ent, we are just beginning to develop instrumentation of an electrical nature to monitor physiological responses to a network of skin points. These points correlate well with imbalances in the body at the physical and at the next, more subtle level. In the laboratory and on the drawing board, devices are being developed that will directly reveal the inter- action of mental intention and healing. Thus, our future medicine will proceed toward the development of techniques and treatments that can utilize successively finer and finer energies. A wider range of devices will develop which monitor or perturb at all the key levels.
A rigorous science of these subtle energies is developing. Many new techniques and new procedures will join the present equipment and methods of practicing homeopathic physicians. We must make room for many changes in both understanding and technique. It is to be hoped that adequate testing of these new procedures will be allowed and encouraged by the present homeopathic establishment and that they will not be prejudiced against the “new” in the same way that they, in turn, have been discriminated against in the past by the power- ful allopathic medical establishment.
As the tide shifts in favor of homeopathy, I can think of no better