
The Celle Seminars_Page 479

Celle Seminar I, Conclusion

He talked for two hours telling me what he did with his boss’ wife, and that his boss was after him, and girls were coming and going, and dogs were after him. I was in complete despair. All I could do was sit there. I mean, I couldn’t even do any repertorization. I just didn’t know where to look. Then I noticed that he had thick lips and was very loquacious and I suddenly said to myself, Lachesis" I had been so paralyzed by the situation – I had never seen such an insane person before – that I couldn’t even think. I prescribed a high potency of Lachesis. In about 1972 or 1973,1 heard from our mutual friend that my patient hadn’t yet been committed to an asylum. In fact, he came out of that insane state after only a few days. Although it was one of those cases that even a layman could have handled loquacity? Take Lachesis – I’ll never forget the fear and despair that I felt in trying to figure out what to do in that case.
In one way, I am glad that we had some difficult cases in this seminar because it’s good for you to see how much you need to struggle in order to arrive at a correct conclusion. I believe today’s cases are much worse then those of the past. I’m afraid that the way we’re going, we’ll be seeing more and more difficult cases. Nevertheless, I think we should be quite happy because we saw particular aspects of certain remedies during the seminar, and I believe these aspects are quite useful. You now understand a Sepia aspect, a Lachesis aspect, Medorrhinum aspects, Baryta carbonica aspects. Even though it was a bit difficult coming by all this information, I hope that it was a useful experience. I also hope that, in the course of this seminar, I was able to show you how I understand homeopathy, which I believe is the classical understanding of it as intended by Hahnemann. But I don’t believe his cases were as difficult as ours! Hahnemann’s cases were much more straight forward, and perhaps for that reason we have to do a little more thinking about what we see before us than he did. I believe that, in this way, we are going back towards the classical Hahnemannian homeopathy: we try to find the right remedy or sequence of remedies that we may need to cope with a given case.