George Vithoulkas
(M.P.): Yes, very.
(G. V): Are the headaches that you have now as severe or less severe?
(M.P.): Much less severe. (G. V): Was there any strabismus in the eyes during the attacks?
(G.V.): I forgot to ask you this question before. Why do you think he became like an angel after he had the first big attack? His wife said he looked completely innocent. Why? She is obviously not telling a lie, she is too matter-of-fact, not the type to in-tellectualize things.
(A.8): He forgot his past.
(G.V.): He forgot his past completely. A person who can completely forget his past can reach a state where there is no impact from the past upon the body; the body remains much younger than the memories he carries with him. The moment he became completely free of his memories he became like a child, beautiful. Every human being in its deeper sense is very, very beautiful. We see this phenomenon for instance in Natrum muriaticum: these people are so closed that you wouldn’t want to come into contact with them. They push people away. Why? Because contact brings back memories connected with grief, suffering or being offended. This is the sort of memory now prominent in his logical mind, which says, »You’d better protect yourself, don’t talk to anybody, don’t open yourself up, don’t say anything.« Because of their specific sensitivity, Natrum muriaticum patients keep themselves kind of protected, in a way they remain internally innocent. If you manage to open them up and talk to them and they forget themselves—if they forget their grief—suddenly you’ll see a completely different person in front of you: they are really very nice people, capable of talking spontaneously from the heart. This is exactly the point with Natrum muriaticum: they are very closed and push others away. But the moment you manage to show that you are really interested, that you are listening—