
The Celle Seminars_Page 462

George Vithoulkas

(M.P.): In 1987. (G.V.): What month?
(M.P.): September of 1987. In October, I took the first homeopathic remedy, Hypericum LM 6. (G. V.): And you had the first attack in April? (M.P.): I still have problems with my memory; I can’t really remember. In 1970,1 had a very bad car accident. The person who was with me in the car was killed, and it was my fault that the person died.
(G.V.): Were you injured?
(M.P.): I was drunk. I was injured on the right side; a piece of bone stuck out.
(G. V.): But the hemangioma was on the left side? (M:P.): Yes. And I had a brain concussion.


(G.V.): When you have epilepsy after an accident involving the head, the most probable remedy is Arnica. Actually Arnica has acted very well in such cases; it has amazing results. With the few cases I had in the past, I saw that Arnica either took away all the seizures or it ameliorated the complaints and changed them into another remedy completely. This is simple homeopathy; even a layman can tell you that if you’ve had a concussion, take Arnica 10M and you’ll see beautiful results. This type of homeopathy can also be practiced. It is not that we’re putting down Arnica in this case, it’s just that we’d like to know whether there are any better remedies and, if not, we can always do the simple thing and come back to Arnica.


(M.P.): The operation was four years later. (G. V.): Did you have any other head injuries after this accident? (M.P.): No, but six years earlier I had had another car accident and I was thrown out of the car.