
The Celle Seminars_Page 461

Celle Seminar I, Case 18: Epilepsy

Case 18: Epilepsy


(G.V.): How old are you? (M.P.): Forty-one. (G.V.): What is the problem?
(M.P.): My problem is that I have had epileptic attacks ever since an operation on my brain in 1974. Then I got Timonil and Zen-tropil. Are you familiar with these drugs? (G.V.): Yes, they are anti-epileptics.
(M.P.): Afterwards, I didn’t have an attack for twelve years. I then reduced the medication until I stopped taking it altogether; then I received homeopathic remedies: Hypericum LM 6 to LM 60 and then CI 000 and CI 0,000.1 had an attack in April, 1988, after taking the C1000, and then other attacks in July, 1988, October, 1988, and January, 1989. (G. V.): Were these grand mal attacks?
(M.P.): The doctors don’t know. But I lose consciousness when these attacks occur; these are generalized attacks. (G.V.): What are the symptoms of the attacks? Have you been told what happens during these attacks? (M.P.): My wife knows, I don’t know.
(G. V.): Okay, I’d like her to describe it later on. What kind of operation did you have and why did you have it? (M.P.): I fainted in a restaurant. They took me to a hospital where they operated on a hemangioma in the left frontal region of the brain. I was unconscious for eight days after the operation. After I left the hospital I had to re-learn many things again, like walking and calculating. My memory was weak, but I did not fully lose my memory because I could still remember things that had happened long ago. My problem was that I could not remember things that had happened directly before the operation very well. The neurologist gave me two anti-epileptic remedies and then I didn’t have a seizure for twelve years. (G.V.): When did you stop taking the medication?