Celle Seminar I, Case 17: Chronic Gastritis
curate. Her father is in the army and he’s a very strict person. AH her problems go to the stomach. Kali carbonicum is even under gurgling of the stomach. The third point is that when we looked to the causation, we saw that it all started in school. I think this is the important point. We know the remedy for ulcers in students, and some symptoms also confirm this: the offensive odor, sweets aggravate and desires sweets.
(G.V.): Why does Kali carbonicum have school problems?
(A. 16): No, this is the remedy I am reading now. I mentioned some Phosphorus elements first, then I mentioned Kali carbonicum elements, and therefore perhaps the remedy is Kali phos-phoricum.
(G.V.): Well, a typical Kali phosphoricum case is one in which we have extreme nervous exhaustion. We see a person who is very easily tired, exhausted, but from a nervous loss of energy; a person who is very sensitive, very much on edge and at the same time feels no energy. In order to give Kali phosphoricum, you have to have loss of energy to a great degree. The loss of energy is especially felt after coitus; these patients give up having sex because of a feeling of depletion after coitus. Kali phosphoricum is a remedy that affects and depletes the nervous system; it does not allow the person any energy at all. Although your analysis was very intelligent, I think the whole picture she presents does not allow us to think of this remedy.
Can you write down the symptoms according to importance? Write down in a hurry and underline it twice. Pain in the stomach, better warm application, underline it twice. Fastidious, underline it once. Stomach pain, lying on the abdomen ameliorated, underline it twice. Impulsive, underline it twice. Gurgling in stomach, underline it three times. Worse from sleep in general, loss of sleep, underline it twice. Gurgling in throat while drinking.
In answer to the acting practitioner’s question whether we should give the remedy: Because she is not currently in pain due to allopathic remedies, I would suggest that first she should stop taking the allopathic medicines and then we can see further. She