George Vithoulkas
has these cramps—even though she says they are not that strong—and it was confirmed by the rumbling in the esophagus when drinking and the taste in her mouth when she has stomach problems. I would have liked to know what sort of taste it was, but unfortunately you didn’t ask her.
(G.V.): She said she has a bad taste in her mouth? Well, we struggle on. I told the person running the computer to feed in the following symptoms: in a hurry; stomach pain with warm applications ameliorates; fastidious; stomach pains are better when lying on the abdomen; impulsive; gurgling in the stomach; generally worse from loss of sleep; gurgling in the throat. I entered these symptoms and the Expert System gave me the answer, (laughs) I’ll admit it, I peaked.
(A. 14): Was it Pulsatilla?
(G.V.): Pulsatilla is a warm remedy, and she said that she is ameliorated by warmth in general. She is not a person who cries. In fact, she said that she rarely cries, therefore we go away from Pulsatilla completely, although she looks a little bit timid and all that.
(A.15): Another proposition: my first impression was Phosphorus, but when I heard that she is very tidy, I had a little problem with this remedy. First I looked under ulcers in stomach, and there is a remedy which has been added. I will not say yet what it is.
(G.V.): Another remedy that has been added?
(A. 15): Yes.
(G.V.): I see.
(A. 15): I thought of Phosphorus for several reasons and be¬cause it was confirmed by many symptoms: sweets aggravate; loss of energy; temperamental; spontaneous; desires company; is an easy-going person; has slight vertigo in high places; brittle nails, and I thought she had a goitre. Furthermore, her appetite is good; loss of weight when she does not eat enough; so I looked up appetite increase, emaciation with. Also, spices aggravate. But the moment I heard that she was so tidy I thought of another remedy: it could be Kali carbonicum. She is very restless and ac-