
The Celle Seminars_Page 448

George Vithoulkas

(F.P.): I usually have a hot water bottle; I keep it on my stomach and that way my feet get warm as well in the process. Only when my feet are icy cold do I put the bottle directly on them, (laughs) (G. V.): Why are you laughing? (F.P.): I don’t know, (laughs again)
(G. V.): Is it because you have to give everything in detail? Are you timid? (F.P.): Sometimes.
(G. V.): Are you easily insulted or offended? (F.P.): No. I can cope with a lot.
(G. V.): Is this true, or could it be that maybe you have learned not to shoiv it, that you can hide it inside? You give me the impression that you can be quite easily hurt.
(P.P.): Maybe I’m a bit like that, but then perhaps it’s my strict upbringing.
(G. V.): Was your father in the army or something? (F.P.): Yes, all the time, also during the war. (G. V.): Were you afraid of him? (PP.): A little.
(G. V.): When you said that you are temperamental, what did you mean?
(P.P.): I am a spontaneous person, and I feel I am enterprising. (G. V.): Would you have liked to be in the theater? (PP.): No.
(G.V.): Do you become very vivid, crack jokes, or things like that, when you are with friends?
(P.P.): Yes. Well, I can’t tell jokes, I can’t remember them. (G.V.): Is it because you are too shy? (F.P): No, I just can’t remember jokes. (G.V.): But you enjoy listening to other people’s jokes? (F.P): Yes.
(G.V.): And what happens when it’s a dirty joke? (F.P): That doesn’t bother me. (G.V.): How much salt do you use?
(F.P): A normal amount. I use salt to flavor food, but not excessively so.