
The Celle Seminars_Page 444

George Vithoulkas

(G. V.): Did you have a lot of fights with your husband?
(F.P.): Not at all. We are still good friends today.
(G. V.): How many boyfriends did you have between husbands?
(F.P.): I don’t know. It’s not relevant anyway, it’s not important.
(G. V.): But you are under investigation.
(F.P.): There were a few.
(G. V.): Were your parents very strict with you as a child?
(F.P.): Yes, especially my father.
(G.V.): Did you feel that you wanted to be naughty, to play
around, and your father held you back?
(F.P.): No, I was never a naughty child, I wasn’t allowed to be.
(G. V.): Did you develop these pains suddenly, or did they start
(F.P.): Suddenly.
(G. V.): How was your relationship with your mother?
(F.P.): Very good, and it’s still good today.
(G. V.): Why were you so stressed during the exam? Because you
wanted to please your parents?
(P.P.): I did not have a fear of exams, I just had problems with
(G.V.): But it seems that you were very stressed; either you
stressed yourself, or somebody stressed you. Why did you stress
yourself so much? What were you afraid of?
(F.P.): Naturally I wanted to do better in school than I had been
(G.V.): Why? Because of your pride, or because of your parents?
(F.P.): I didn’t want to be held back.
(G.V.): Didn’t you like your teachers?
(F.P.): No, they were too strict.
(G. V.): Did you play more with boys or with girls?
(F.P.): With girls.
(G. V.): Did you take part in school sports?
(P.P.): The normal sports classes.
(G.V.): You didn’t apply yourself particularly. Can you describe
your character?