
The Celle Seminars_Page 440

George Vithoulkas

ach problems, she took Sodisal", which helped this time. She feels good now.
(G. V.): When did you take the Sodisal"’?
(F.P.): For the last seven days, every day in the evening before I went to bed. I had taken it before, but it didn’t help me. I took it for a whole year because I had a duodenal ulcer, but I had pain anyway. Still, I took it again last week because I wanted to make this trip and I felt very bad; after the second day I felt a little better, and now I have no pain. (G.V.): How is the rumbling? (F.P.): Right now I don’t have rumbling. (G.V.): But how was the rumbling ten days ago? (F.P.): I had more rumbling than before. (G. V.): Did the rumbling stop after you took Sodisal9? (F.P.): It was better. I couldn’t eat before I went away. (G.V.): What does your husband sell? (F.P.): Weights and measures, technical things. (G.V.): And why do you go away to different countries? (F.P.): We like to travel together; we enjoy seeing the world. (G.V.): Does he sell his products during your trips? (F.P.): No, it’s travel for pleasure, not business. (Therapist): But she said that he always wants to take big trips with lots of walking and doing lots of things every day. She has to follow him, although she would rather lie on the beach now after all those years of traveling.
(F.P.): I have seen enough of the world, now I want to lie on the beach!
(G.V.): In Jamaica, for example? (F.P.): I like the Virgin Islands better, (laughs) (G. V.): Were you very active physically? (F.P.): Yes.
(G.V.): Were you always very much in a hurry inside? (F.P.): Yes.
(G. V.): Do you do everything in a hurry? (F.P.): Yes. (G. V.): Can you do three things at the same time?