Celle Seminar I, Case 16: Rheumatoid Arthritis
rhinutn became less prominent. But Medorrhinum was quite strong in the beginning.
(A.33): But you shouldn’t forget what she said, that in 1980 the pains had already begun. Therefore, it could be a gonorrheal inflammation.
(G.V.): This doesn’t matter. Although in a way it matters, it doesn’t matter because in spite of the pain having started earlier on, the remedy still may have changed, and you may have Calca-rea phosphorica now and then Medorrhinum later.
(A.34): What were the objections to Medorrhinum?
(G.V.): We could not confirm Medorrhinum on desires sour.
(A.): Wrong! (loud chorus)
(G.V.): Now this is the sort of prejudice I was talking about, do you see? This is making things easier because you want the remedy to be Medorrhinum. That’s not the way to proceed! I would also like things to be easy, but when I asked her whether she preferred sour fruit to sweet fruit she said, »Yes.« What about green fruit? What you need for Medorrhinum is the green fruit, that is what confirms Medorrhinum, otherwise there are a lot of other remedies you could consider. What confirms Medorrhinum is the desire for green, unripe fruit.
(A.35): Two further objections: one is that she has cold feet, and the other is that she does not like fat.
(G.V.): Correct. What should make us careful is the fact that there is such a drastic change at a particular time; when you see that, you really have to investigate thoroughly into what has been going on since the change. If you see a change of symptomatology at a particular time, it is very important because that is precisely when we have a change of remedies, of what we call »the layers.« Okay, there is no question that Medorrhinum is very strongly indicated. But the real question is, »Why did this Phosphorus element appear at a certain point in time, and so much so that it misled us in the direction of Causticum?« Another objection is that when I asked her how she sleeps, she told me how she used to sleep—on her back. How does Medorrhinum