
The Celle Seminars_Page 428

George Vithoulkas

It is not easy to say whether or not she is really Phosphorus. However, one thing we do know is that she is not a constitutional Phosphorus. If we finally decide upon Phosphorus, we have not decided upon a constitutional Phosphorus, rather just a picture of Phosphorus, which has been imprinted upon Medorrhi-num. For this reason we should not expect to see a complete picture of Phosphorus. It could be that Medorrhinum was acting before and now she has begun to be Phosphorus. I am just inquiring. I do not come armed with a preconceived notion, instead I listen to the case, analyze it, and try to piece things together. I do not consider things outside of what we have all seen here.
(A. 13): I have a question concerning Natrum phosphoricum: Because her physical pathology is primarily in the knees and then on her hands and arms—which is all on a physical level typical for Natrum phosphoricum—could Natrum phosphoricum have these Phosphorus symptoms as well?
(G.V.): As I said before, the Natrum phosphoricum person is concerned about others. What she has—shortening of the ten¬dons—is symptomatic of Causticum. There is a possibility of Calcarea phosphorica or Natrum phosphoricum instead of Phosphorus, as long as we can decide upon that. That is the question. We see that certain physical symptoms fit Causticum and Natrum phosphoricum, while some of her emotional symptoms are more fitting of Phosphorus. We have to solve this dichotomy.
(A. 14): I totally agree with your explanation. But the moment Medorrhinum changes into another remedy, we see some very nice Lycopodium symptoms.
(G.V.): Like what?
(A. 14): Grey hair during pregnancy-
(G.V.): You have grey hair, not her! (laughs) Your hair became grey studying homeopathy. Now, seriously, she claims to have grey hair, but I couldn’t see it. It was written in the paper, but I just didn’t see any. Did you see any grey hair?