George Vithoulkas
(F.P.): It is very good for everyday things, but I have a lot of trouble remembering professional and scientific things. Before I can really retain anything I have to read it four or five times. (G.V.): How do you explain that? Are you tired, or what? (F.P.): I can’t really explain it because even with things that interest me, I still forget some of the details after having read them a couple of times.
(G. V.): When did you realize that your memory was decreasing? (F.P.): I think it’s always been the case. I noticed particularly during my studies that a few years after having held a talk on some topic or another, I no longer knew as much on it as I did before. (G.V.): Do you sleep well after 3:00 a.m.? (F.P.): I sleep very badly at the moment. (G.V.); What happens?
(F.P.): For a while now, as soon as I lie down everything seems to hurt, particularly the parts I’m lying on.
(G.V.): Do you wake up frequently during the night because of the pains?
(F.P.): Yes, I wake up and then it is painful and I have to change to another position; then about a quarter of an hour later it starts all over again.
(Therapist): After taking Natrum muriaticum her sleep was much better. But the disease went on, it spread to the right side; so I thought the remedy couldn’t be right. (G. V.): When you write »severe grief«, was that during the pregnancy?
(Therapist): Yes.
(G.V.): Have you ever had any other periods of severe grief? (F.P.): A year before that a friend of mine committed suicide. It wasn’t as bad as the grief during my pregnancy, but it wasn’t nice.
(G.V.): Have you ever thought of suicide? (F.P.): No.
(G. V.): Are you fastidious in your work? (F.P.): I am with my work, but otherwise I am terribly sloppy. (G.V.): Do you care a lot about how you dress?