
The Celle Seminars_Page 408

George Vithoulkas

(F.P.): It isn’t really fighting. In many cases we just have a difference of opinion and then we discuss it. Of course, occasionally we come to blows.
(G.V.): Can you become very irritated? (F.P.): Yes.
(G.V.): And then what do you do?
(F.P.): I tend to bottle it up until something happens and then I explode, and then I’m fine. (G.V.): Do you keep it in for a long time?
(F.P.): Sometimes half-an-hour, but in an extreme case it might be for as long as a day.
(G.V.): Do you think that you have a good rapport with others? (F.P.): It differs. I think I’ve got a good rapport with my customers, but only to a certain extent with my colleagues at work. I don’t have a good rapport with everybody. (G. V.): Do you consider yourself to be a closed or a very open person?
(F.P.): It’s hard to say, I think probably middle of the road. (G.V.): Do you get nauseated while riding in a car? Do you sit in the front or back seat?
(F.P.): I get nauseated when somebody else is driving and I’m sitting in the back.
(G.V.): Are you affected by people smoking? (F.P.): Yes. (G.V.)-.Alot?
(F.P.): Yes, even if a person blows one puff of smoke into the room.
(G. V.): Are you an independent person, or do you like to depend on someone?
(F.P.): I think I depend on my boyfriend. (G.V.): Very much? (F.P.): Yes.
(G.V.): Did you want him to be here during the examination? (F.P.): He’s quite interested in it anyway.
(G.V.): You don’t mind giving out information in front of him? (F.P.): No, it doesn’t matter.