
The Celle Seminars_Page 396

George Vithoulkas

good morning? I don’t know what that is!« That is the idea: »Pve never felt good in the morning.« This lingers on; they drink their coffee and life is still unbearable. They go to the office, sit, and are still irritated as late as 9:00 or 9:30 a.m. If someone talks to them, they’ll think, »Go to hell,« although they will not express it. Their external attitude is, »I don’t want to live, I’ll commit suicide, but inside you’ll see a fear of actually going through with it.
I remember one of my very first cases in about 1960, of a man in South Africa, a man working in a tea room, who was a typical Nitricum acidum with tremendous acne. When I took his case he had a gun that he carried around with him all the time, not because he was afraid that somebody would attack him, but in case he should decide to shoot himself! I asked, »Why do you want a gun? Are you afraid?« And he said, »I thought of carrying it in case I need it.« I asked his boss about him. (That’s one way you can get information):
(Boss): »Don’t talk to him in the morning!« (G.V.): »What time can you start talking to him?« (Boss): »10:00 or 10:30 a.m., but never early in the morning.
(G.V.): »Whatdoeshedo?«
(Boss): »He comes into the tea room and the customers cannot approach him.«
With Nitricum acidum you will have a problem with communication, whether it is a customer or his brother, it doesn’t matter because these patients don’t differentiate. Furthermore, this attitude lasts for awhile.
Lachesis also wakes up very unrefreshed because he has suffered during the night while sleeping. He’ll wake up in a terrible state of congestion, the head is congested and the whole organism is in a state of irritation. It is a sense of, »How am I going to carry on with my duties? I have to do this, and I have to do that, God, it’s too much for me. I simply can’t do it!« It’s a depression, and when it starts, Lachesis patients say to themselves, »God, I can’t, I can’t get through the day!« But as the day progresses, the