
The Celle Seminars_Page 389

Celle Seminar I, Case 15: Forgetfuiness/Depression

(G. V.): Are you very busy at work in your house, or do you tend to do nothing?
(F.P.): I leave things, I am not very busy at all. (G. V.): Do you have the energy to pick up things that are lying on the floor?
(F.P.): I do pick things up, I do tidy up, but a lot of things are left undone in the house. Housework just isn’t very satisfying. (G. V): I want a bit more of a description of what is really happening. For example, you get up in the morning, are very depressed and then you have your tea and you feel a little bit better, then you go and lie down. Do you see what I mean? Now, can you describe a little bit more about what it is that you actually do?
(F.PJ: When I get up I feel unrested, very tired, and I have to drag myself along. Perhaps it has something to do with the fact that I’ve always suffered from low blood pressure, that may not have helped things. Even if I take a cold shower, it doesn’t help get me going. It takes until the mid-afternoon before I am finally ready to do something, regardless of whether people are in the house or not. For example, there is no difference between Sunday when the whole family is there, or during the week when nobody is there.
(G. V.): During that time, do you feel depressed, that life is a misery and you don’t want to talk to anybody? (F.P.): No, more tired. I usually feel that way when I haven’t gotten enough done. I have a bit of an inferiority complex about being slow. If I’ve been sort of slow in the morning, by mid-afternoon I feel that I haven’t done anything. I then feel pushed to do something, I feel sort of pressured. If I could only get a grip on things. I am perfectly aware that if I got myself under control and did all my things in the morning—my chores and my tasks and got myself organized—then I’d have the afternoon free to do all the things I’d like to. But I just can’t do that. I am unable to do anything in the morning, which is why I end up doing all my work in the afternoon.