
The Celle Seminars_Page 388

George Vithoulkas

(F.P.): Probably resigned and tired. I don’t feel able to do a lot. I don’t trust myself to do a lot.
(G.V.): Do you think that you are useless now, no good to anybody?
(F.P.): Yes, I do feel superfluous. (G.V.): Have you ever thought of suicide? (P.P.): Yes, I have, without any reason at all. (G.V.): To what extent have you entertained such thoughts? (F.P.): I’ve considered how I would do it. I go through the motions, I imagine how I would do it.
(G.V.): How? By slashing your wrists, hanging, shooting? (F.P.): I consider ways that aren’t painful. I’ve thought of slashing my wrists. Although it would be good for me, it wouldn’t be good for my family. I also think about that. (G.V.): Does the thought of causing your family grief prevent you from actually doing it? Do you fight with yourself about this?
(F.P.): I’m not really sure whether this is something that I would actually ever do. Perhaps it’s more like the idea of running away from things. I don’t believe I would go through with it. (G.V.): Do you have a strong religious belief? (F.P.): I don’t think so, not consciously, maybe, but I don’t think my beliefs come into it.
(G.V.): Do you feel very tired, that you have no energy? (F.P.): Yes. I feel mentally exhausted and physically tired. (G.V.): How is your sex life? Is it normal, or aren’t you interested? What’s happened in this area?
(F.P.): The desire is still there. Obviously, it is not as pronounced as it used to be, but we still have intercourse. (G.V.): And you still enjoy it?
(F.P.): Yes, I enjoy it when I’m ready for it, and then I can also be the initiator.
(G.V.): So, the implication is that you are not very interested in sex? (F.P.): Occasionally yes, but not that extreme.