Celle Seminar I, Case 14: Chronic Vomiting
(G.V.): She said that the child did not have a tuberculosis vac¬cination.
(A.2): Did the child take any vitamin D?
(Mother): She received synthetic baby food and of course that had a lot of vitamin D. They gave her vitamin D tablets in the hospital, I was not able to do anything about it. She always gets more than a normal dosage of vitamin D because she eats this synthetic baby food.
(A.3): Vitamins can cause some problems. May I tell you my ideas on this?
(G.V.): Yes.
(A.3): First of all, I thought of Ignatia because during pregnancy and at the time of birth the child went through a lot of trouble. During pregnancy the mother was probably very troubled by the fact that she had to vomit a lot.
(Mother): I didn’t feel well, but I wasn’t afraid.
(A.3): Then I considered the vacuum extraction at birth, which must have been a shock for the child, and the baby’s symptoms: milk incompatibility; disturbed sleep before midnight; sleeping in an abdominal position; weeping during sleep; great attention to detail with clothes; no dirty hands; and more problems in heat. These were symptoms for Ignatia. Then there are her cravings for special foods, like caviar, (laughter) The second possibility I thought of—because it comes under a number of rubrics here—is based on the child being quite well-developed for her age. She loves being the center of attention. She is vain and looks in the mirror and she likes to have special clothes and special food. So, I thought of Platinum as the second course of action.
(A.4): I thought of a remedy because of the child’s activity— her mother says »restlessness« but I would call it »activity«— and the sudden eructations and desire for salty things. I thought of Veratrum album.
(A.5): A lot of things indicate Natrum sulphuricum: the vacuum extraction during delivery which caused injury to the baby’s head and subsequently resulted in a hematoma, and the granulo-