George Vithoulkas
rest of the day. She asks for water maybe around 4:00 or 5:00 p.m.
(G.V.): Have you given her Sulphur? (Mother): No.
(G.V.): When she wakes up, is she wide awake, or does she just wake up and stay in bed?
(Mother): It depends, varies. She also wakes up a lot during the night, and she seems to dream. She weeps while asleep. (G.V.): After or before Chamomilla?
(Mother): Before. This was even before Silicea, because I remember relating it to that doctor as well. At that time it was more pronounced in the early morning sleep hours, between 5:00 and 7:00 a.m.
(G.V.): Does she still weep while asleep? (Mother): Yes.
(G.V.): When she had these colics and she had to stretch, how long did this last?
(Mother): Even when the colics weren’t there anymore, when she was maybe five or six months old, she still had this habit of stretching herself or comforting herself. For example, when she could already stand, when she was perhaps eight or nine months old, she would stand on the sofa or somewhere and she would suddenly lean way over. That seemed to do her good in some way.
(G.V.): Does she still do that?
(Mother): No, it’s almost gone. She has a little bit of perspiration where her hair starts when she drinks her bottle, and her hands and feet are a bit moist, but very warm. She is a warm child in general.
(G.V.): Does she have gas along with the vomiting? (Mother): No. She likes company very much and attention. She likes to stand in front of the mirror and look at herself very much.
(G.V.): Is she a child who moans all day?
(Mother): Only if she does not get enough attention. If I play with her or if somebody is with her all the time, she is content.