Celle Seminar I, Case 14: Chronic Vomiting
Case 14: Chronic Vomiting
(Mother): She’s sixteen months old now. As you know, the pregnancy was very difficult. I vomited all the time, right up until the birth. During the last two months I also had high blood pressure due to a kidney malfunction. Finally the placenta was diagnosed as not functioning very well. A natural birth was planned, but I had epidural anaesthesia during labor because my blood pressure went up very high just after labor started. In the final stages of labor they had to use vacuum extraction because they said that she was so small that they had to take her out fast. Afterwards the baby had what was diagnosed as a cephalic hematoma on the right side; I think it’s gone now. The baby only weighed two kilograms. After three or four days she got jaundice, but not very severely, only up to the fifteen, sixteen bilirubin. I was very sick after the birth, and so the first time I saw her naked was when she was already nine or ten days old. I had her with me all the time, but she was always dressed; so I didn’t realize at first that she had an umbilical granuloma with a whitish fluid discharge. And that’s how we were sent home. I was told that they had definitely put something on it, supposedly soap or powder. But once we were home the thing grew and grew. By that time she also had eczema on her scalp, very thick yellow crusts. She was born with very thick skin on the top of her head, but within the first week she developed crusts. She started having a lot of abdominal problems, cramps all day and especially during the night. Ever since these problems began she hasn’t slept through the night; she usually wakes up between five and six times a night. In the beginning she would wake up sometimes every half hour. Sometimes she was awake for hours with belly problems, pains, cramps, just about everything. There was no position you could hold her in that seemed to help. She would bend her body back very far, low down so that her entire body was overextended. In this way she relieved her abdominal troubles. The abdom-