George Vithoulkas
ica at all; but because I have this extra bit of information I thought of Natrum phosphoricum. I could not confirm the child’s desire for eggs. I would have been happier if the child had a very strong desire for chicken, which would have been most clearly Phosphorus. I think it is one of my additions to the repertory, desire for chicken, very strong with Graphites and Phosphorus. Why did the child say chicken? Perhaps because he is already Phosphorus. I also know that this is a very social remedy, but one with reservations.
The constitutional Natrum phosphoricum person is very open, but only in a specific way towards others, not open in himself. He will come and greet you, ask how are you and what are you doing. He will pay you compliments. But close observation will show you that he does this with everyone. Natrum phosphoricum would make a very good P.R. (public relations) man because he always has a good word to say to others. We don’t see here the inhibition of Natrum muriaticum, nor do we have the complete giving up of self that we see in Phosphorus. Despite his openness, Natrum phosphoricum usually will not talk about himself. Natrum phosphoricum appears concerned about others; for example, if an excursion is planned, he will be the one to organize it and make sure that everything is arranged and goes well. But if you ask him anything personal, like how he’s doing, all you’ll get out of him is, »I’m fine.« If you probe and probe you may find, way deep down inside, some of the problems that everyone has in life but which have been pushed deep into the Natrum phosphoricum person’s consciousness. I have seen this remedy work in a case of Dupuytren’s contracture (a syndrome in which the tendons contract) in which I first prescribed Causti-cum, without result.
Now we are faced with three possible remedies: Pulsatilla, Causticum or Natrum phosphoricum. Things are not yet clear enough for us to be able to say with any degree of certainty that we’ve found the remedy.
(A. 7): Where did contractions come into Natrum phosphoricum as you mentioned?