
The Celle Seminars_Page 336

George Vithoulkas

Phosphorus. We see that the child is sweet, very sweet; he is an angel. What has brought up this sweetness?
(A.2): His weakness.
(A3): He is jealous of his sister.
(A.4): He is very protected by his parents, they don’t stress him.
(G.V.): Yes, you get the impression that the child is completely protected, and that he feels comfortable in a very protected environment. His parents are quite nice, they are calm, they are understanding. The child has not had to face any difficulties, you can see that. He likes things this way. You almost get the feeling that there is an agreement between him and his parents: you protect me and I will be sweet. On the other hand, there is a sympathetic element in him, which is again Phosphorus. Nevertheless, I have some second thoughts about this remedy. What I am thinking is that his character is not very social. He likes security; he likes to play with one friend, who also does not like to run around very much; and he is very attached, dependent on his kindergarten teacher. These points speak in favor of Pulsatilla, because Pulsatilla is also afraid of the dark, and what is more interesting, Pulsatilla also has disgust. It is very interesting that the child is disgusted; most probably he thinks that something’s not clean there.
This symptom, being strongly disgusted, along with a mind like Pulsatilla justifies considering this remedy. Phosphorus also has disgust, although not as strong as Pulsatilla. But we are also talking about a pathology, a disease which, in the course of its development, has a gradual, yet inevitable, paralysis. We must compare two very similar, yet inimical remedies. Which remedies are these? Phosphorus and Causticum. Let us see if this isn’t a Causticum child rather than a Phosphorus child. Compare the specific pathology of Causticum to the symptom in the report aversion to sweets. Can this be a Causticum case? Causticum is afraid in the dark. The child gets up during the night, leaves his bedroom and climbs into bed with his parents. If you want to translate this into the language of the repertory, what would you