
The Celle Seminars_Page 332

George Vithoulkas

cannot promise anything like a cure. We do know that, through homeopathy, we can strengthen the organism’s defenses and, to the extent that this is allowed by the pathology, the remedy may have some positive effect. But we do not know how far a remedy will go. He will be treated with very minute doses, very little medicine, but we need a specific study to find out which of these little doses are needed for a particular person and illness. I believe that it definitely would be better to treat the child with homeopathic remedies. There is no question that antibiotics and strong drugs should be avoided. I do not know if you are aware that the child had an eruption that went away through application of different allopathic remedies. The eruptions were suppressed, and this probably resulted in damage to the boy’s organism. If in the course of treatment—within a year or two— a skin eruption reappears, you should not touch it. Even if the child suffers terribly, you still should not touch the eruption. If this happens, then from that day on—depending on the intensity of the eruption, and especially if it is very intense—we have reason to hope. How strong was the eruption? (Mother): It was very bad on his face. I had to put mittens on him to stop him from scratching his face. (G.V.): And was it also bad in the joints? (Father): Yes, and he suffered. (G.V.): With fissures? (Mother): No, only pimples. (G. V.): Itching?
(Mother): Yes, very itchy. We’ve got some pictures. (G.V.): Do you have the photos here? (Mother): Probably in the car.
(G.V.): Okay, perhaps we’ll have a look at them later. Do you remember whether he was given a Cortisone cream? (Mother): He was given a cream. It is possible that it contained Cortisone, but I am not sure. (G. V.): Was his skull fracture great? (Mother): No. (G.V.): Was it just a little cut? With or without bleeding?