
The Celle Seminars_Page 310

George Vithoulkas

soon. Maybe that caused the aggravation and justifies waiting a little longer. She has very cold feet in bed. When she was young she had fears, which she still has. She has vertigo in high places. And because Calcarea is a remedy that follows Natrum muriaticum, I thought about Calcarea.
(G.V.): Why Ignatia?
(A.2): She suffered a lot physically from the psychological pressures her family inflicted upon her. Therefore, I would not give Natrum muriaticum, I would give Ignatia instead, which she took five years ago. Since Ignatia worked so well in the past, why shouldn’t she take it again? That is, if I decide to give anything, since I think Natrum muriaticum is still working. She said, »I feel better now, but my pain is still there.« She can wait because the pressure on her discs isn’t there anymore anyhow.
(G.V.): Why Pulsatilla?
(A.7): She talked about her changing moods, which she has had for a long time, and recently she cries quite easily. She also cried when she talked frankly. She can’t stand heat, etc.
(G.V.): Phosphorus?
(A.3): First, I thought of Phosphorus because of its effect on the nerves. Second, the thing with the extremities—as though she is on fire—is like when Phosphorus explodes. She is also weak like Phosphorus, which is a remedy that indicates exhaustion. Of her modalities, I can only refer to fear of darkness and vertigo in high places. I cannot remember the other modalities.
(G.V.): She had fear of thunderstorms, which is typical for Phosphorus.
(A3): There are some other Phosphorus symptoms; for example, there is an artistic streak: she paints a little, she tried to play the piano, and says she is beginning to play the guitar. She says she has a lot of trouble preventing other people from taking her over. These are clear indications of Phosphorus as well as the desire for fish and the desire for salt. One other thing: Phosphorus has a relationship with bones, and she has had a ganglion operation.
(G.V.): What about Caustic m?