Celle Seminar I, Small Remedy: Allium Cepa
ference to those around him, or an inability to understand the meaning of words otherwise familiar, then you should turn to Allium cepa. If you were to say to a patient in this state, »Take this money and go buy some bread,« he would take the money, but it would seem as though he has not understood what you were asking of him. It’s a totally lethargic state.
The Allium cepa patient will be totally engrossed with himself, and he will make strange grimaces and gestures. Despite whatever else is going on around him at the moment, he does not take anyone else into consideration. For example, such a person might urinate unconcerned in public; or he might do strange and foolish things, like teasing a stranger on the street or bothering someone he’s never seen before. It is also interesting to note that the nervous system also seems to be affected. These patients walk in a particular way: either on their toes or with their feet turned out to the side.
There is an element, if you can call it that, of misanthropy with Allium cepa. For instance, if you say something to him in a harsh voice, he may become displeased and simply get up and go out for a walk. When he comes back, he’ll seem better; still insane, but ameliorated by the fresh air. While in this passive insane state, Allium cepa is able to tend to his own needs. These patients do not need to be fed or taken to the toilet. They are perfectly capable of carrying out general life necessities; the only difference is that they are sleepy, in a torpor, make strange gestures, are basically indifferent to their surroundings, and will just exit the scene when confronted with aggression. If your patient displays all these symptoms, seems vaguely insane, and also expresses a desire for onions, you should turn to Allium cepa.
Curiously enough, there is hardly a mention of sleepiness in connection with Allium cepa in the materia medica and in the repertory. This is very strange because it is a well known fact that eating large quantities of onions brings on sleepiness. These people usually exhibit an aversion to cucumbers. I have seen the desire for onions precede the outbreak of insanity by many years. The results in the cases I have treated have been phenomenal;