George Vithoulkas
known fact, and earlier practitioners warned against using it in excess. It is also a fact that Allium cepa produces a state of absent-mindedness in the first stages, which is then followed by sleepiness. The brain seems to easily go into a kind of torpor, especially if the patient has also been affected by wine. This sleepiness is so great that even coffee cannot rouse the person. The mind becomes confused, but it is a completely passive confusion in which the patient does not care about anything or really notice what is going on around him; he appears to be disinterested. This should call to mind the similarity to Opium: great dullness of mind with an aggravation in the afternoon and towards the evening; sluggishness and sleepiness. The patient starts making mistakes, seems confused, and cannot concentrate because his brain does not function correctly. In general, the Allium cepa person appears to be under the influence of barbiturates. Other indications that the brain is working too slowly include misplaced words when speaking and mistakes in spelling and writing. However, the main idea with Allium cepa is sleepiness.
Beyond torpor and sleepiness, which are the keynote mental symptoms of an Allium cepa case, these patients can also exhibit the most profound type of passive insanity. Let’s look at an example: The patient appears to be all right, not in the least bit in¬sane. He goes to work, is conscientious, puts a lot of effort into his tasks, has good habits. And then suddenly because of a shock—such as from mortification or an insult—he goes into a state of passive insanity from one day to the next. The desire to sleep becomes so overwhelming for this person that he will actually go from the bed to a chair and then immediately fall asleep, only later to move from the chair to some other place where he promptly falls asleep again. It has been said of Allium cepa children seen in this state: »We had great difficulty waking him up in the waiting room.« If you have a patient who falls into a deep sleep while in your waiting room, then the first remedies that you would consider would most probably be Opium or Nux mos-chata. But if you notice peculiarities like an inability to recognize familiar people or family members, detachment and total indif-