George Vithoulkas
torn, itching in the nose, and you give a remedy specifically for this; but perhaps the problem is not the patient’s nose, perhaps he is really suffering from cancer. If you merely take into consideration itching in the nose and then prescribe Causticum, have you really understood his case, or have you just based everything on the one symptom you could perceive?
Let me give you another example of what I mean by pushing an organism to its limit and letting one remedy clarify another. This is the case of a woman with severe anemia who had been seen by many doctors at the center, and on whom I’d also consulted. I had given my suggestions for a prescription during consultation, but it didn’t bring about an effect. She had been taking Ferrum in allopathic doses in order to survive. I spent over three or four years prescribing remedies via another therapist. Finally I had the opportunity to directly treat the woman myself. She came to me and said, »I’ve spent so many years in treatment and nothing has happened. Actually, I’m the same as before.« In the course of her treatment we had prescribed Natrum muriaticum, Sepia, Pulsatilla, and several other remedies, not too many, but quite a few. Suddenly I said to myself, »Oh my God, this is a Millefolium case.« I was very happy that I found the remedy, and I thought to myself, »Pve got it!« Then a month passed without results. Two months, nothing. Three months, nothing. Four months, and still nothing. She was still bleeding a lot, still had flashes; basically her symptomatology remained the same. Then one day she said, »You know, I have lost all sexual desire. My boyfriend is a big problem.« In the meantime, I was told that she had become very spiteful. Now she comes and tells me that she has lost all sexual desire and does not want to be touched. Then she says, »I am exhausted, and on top of that, my boyfriend is a lot of trouble." So, she had become spiteful and developed an aversion to sex. What was the remedy? Sepia. You don’t need anything else. But how did this picture became so clear? Because of Millefolium. Sepia was one of the remedies that was given at the very beginning of her treatment. Why didn’t it work then? Sepia was even repeated several times, at the very beginning and