Celle Seminar I, Case 9: Lymphoma
Once he realized that the break-up was for real, he tried to get her back. But through all the discussions about their relationship, she finally reached a point where she truly didn’t want him back anymore, and then the colitis disappeared. Once she felt content inside, psychologically, she found another relationship and let go of the previous one. What happened then? Her colitis went away. This is what I was talking about. You have a human being in front of you whom you know nothing about, save for the little clues you gather during the interrogation. Therefore, you have to stay finely tuned to everything you hear and try to integrate it all into a comprehensive picture of your patient. You have to take into consideration any available information, which in this case means reading between the lines, understanding what is not said. I perceive that when the unrest in her grows great enough, it results in somatization, which is exhibited in a colitis so severe that she tends to bleed. I consider this to be a very strong reaction, reflective of a deeply disturbed soul.
(A.27): What do you think about the dose of Lycopodium she got?
(G.V.): Would you have given it to her? Is there anybody here who would have prescribed it? It’s a good prescription! (laughter) Here is a patient who is very sensitive, who cannot stand violence. She has a fear of being alone, fear of the dark and fear of animals. At the same time, her psyche is quite strong, quite powerful. The way she handles her relationship shows that she is not weak.
(A.28): She also diagnosed her own illness.
(G.V.): Yes, she faces things directly: »I am sick and I have cancer.* She is the first one to diagnose it. She also faced the situation with her boyfriend very directly: »If he behaves like that, most probably he is not interested in me anymore.« She is not someone who, in spite of being so sensitive, avoids things. So, where do I see her sensitivity? In her aversion to violence. All these thoughts make me think of Silicea, Pulsatilla, Medorrhi-num and Phosphorus; and as you saw, I was inquiring into Car-cinosinum.