
The Celle Seminars_Page 274

George Vithoulkas

would have been timidity and a lack of self-confidence, but not the kind of fears that have forced her to switch on the lights since childhood and sent her running to sleep with her parents.
(A.24): What other remedies would you suggest?
(G.V.): I don’t know, you tell me!
(A.25): Baryta carbonica.
(G.V.): Baryta carbonica. Well, we have a lack of self-confidence and there is a kind of immaturity, but at the same time she was able to do well in her examinations, actually very well. She is not small in appearance, rather she is quite a large woman. She also has a kind of immaturity. But her immaturity is not that of Baryta carbonica, nor is her lack of self-confidence like that of Anacardium. I really had problems with the case.
(A.26): What about Pbosphoricum acidum?
(G.V.): Pbosphoricum acidum does not have that many fears. What it does have is a tired brain that cannot remember things, and a body that cannot sustain any exertion. I need a remedy in this case that has fears: fear of being alone, fear of animals, fear of the dark.
Sometimes it is very difficult to communicate to you an experience when I am talking about remedies. I try to differentiate one remedy from another, from an inner point of view of the remedy, and not just base my differentiation totally on one or two or three symptoms. Making this process clear is a bit difficult, and so I understand that many of you may have difficulties understanding my explanation. What I’m trying to say in this case is merely that the patient is very sensitive and perceptive, and this is shown by her aversion to violence. We see that she has now, as an adult, many different fears, and as a child she had a fear of violence. She is mild, like Pulsatilla, but, as someone mentioned, she has the courage to go ahead and do things and attain things, perhaps more than you would expect with Pulsatilla.
Another thought that crossed my mind was that ulcerative colitis which developed during her first relationship: when her boyfriend told her that he was not going to marry her, she broke up with him and then the colitis started from one day to the next.