
The Celle Seminars_Page 269

Celle Seminar I, Case 9: Lymphoma

her own. She needs somebody to support her all the time. She is a person who needs someone strong and firm whom she can rely on. If we take all these factors into consideration—her fears, her mild, refined manner, her need for someone to support her— then we see here a perfect picture of Pulsatilla. She expresses this need for someone to support her despite being a pharmacist. Usually once you’ve reached the point of having finished your studies and are actually a professional, you’d feel that you’ve attained something and are able to support yourself, but she doesn’t. She says that she has an aversion to fat, and at a certain point she says that she not only has an aversion to fat, but that it also upsets her stomach, it nauseates her. Worse from fat is again Pulsatilla. Of all the symptoms she relates, there is only one symptom that will draw you away from this remedy: she said she feels better with heat. That is the only symptom that does not fit Pulsatilla. Even vertigo from high places is Pulsatilla.
(A. 11): But she cries by herself.
(G.V.): She cries when alone, yes, but she cries a lot, she cries the whole night. She feels forsaken. She loves her parents, but she does not want to create problems for them, so she cries alone. Maybe she is too sensitive and simply does not want to upset her parents with her weeping.
(A. 12): I thought of Pulsatilla when she described how she was angry as a little child. She said that she’d thrown herself in the street. But it was a street without cars, so she was able to lie there and yell and scream in order to get attention.
(G.V.): According to my thoughts we have here insecurity— she gives in easily, she does not fight—and low self-confidence. Given all her symptoms, a repertorization will lead you to Pulsatilla, not only because she is that type, but because all her symptoms demand Pulsatilla as a first remedy. There is only one problem: she is worse from cold. Either we have to decide that this is not an important symptom, or we have to investigate other possibilities. I started investigating other possibilities and found that she is better from the sea and better in the evening. Then I asked her whether she is afraid of the dark, and she said, »Yes.«