George Vithoulkas
(G.V.): Did you notice any change in your sexual desire after that?
(F.P.): Perhaps it was a little bit stronger, but hardly noticeably so.
(G. V.): Have you ever noticed that you like sweet fruit? (F.P.): I like fruit in general. I don’t mind sour fruit, but I prefer sweet fruit.
(G. V.): Do you like green, unripe fruit? (F.P.): No.
(G. V.): Do you consider yourself to be someone with a lot of fears?
(F.P.): I think my fears are quite reasonable, and that despite my anxieties, I’ve lived quite well up until now. (G. V.): But do you think you have a lot of fears? (F.P.): I still have some fears, yes.
(G.V.): Do you have any fears concerning high places, looking down from high places? (F.P.): Yes.
(G. V.): Strong fears?
(F.P.): I feel nauseated and very dizzy and I don’t look down then. (G. V.): Do you have any other peculiar symptoms which I’ve forgotten to ask you about? Any peculiarities in your character, or something else that you would like to say? (F.P.): I have a very strong will; when I set my mind on something I usually get it. (G.V.): Even if it’s a man? (F.P.): (laughs)
(G.V.): Are you confident with men?
(F.P.): I would put that in brackets. I have always gotten anything that depended on my own effort. (G.V.): Do you feel that a lot depends on you? (F.P.): Yes, on my own will to achieve. I can put a lot into what I want, to the extent that I don’t notice how much I am investing. I can put myself under a lot of stress without actually noticing it. (G.V.): Even before your illness? For example, when your father died and you became ill?