
The Celle Seminars_Page 246

George Vithoulkas

skin. You’ve had this disease a long time, and therefore it is impossible for us to undo the facial scarring that has occurred over so many years.


(G.V.): I avoided giving her my real opinion, which was better than I let on. I told her that after a few years maybe her skin would be better. Why did I do that? Because she is the type of person who will hold onto whatever you say. If her recovery doesn’t come to the point you predicted, she will be very upset and disappointed. That’s why it is better to give a prognosis that is worse than you really believe will be the case, rather than try to please her with a more positive prognosis that might not totally be fulfilled. Some people can accept eventual disappointment, but not her. Take Phosphorus or Argentum nitricum, for example: you could give these patients a very hopeful prognosis and even if it doesn’t come true, they will forgive you and say, »Yes, I think that I am better!«
(A.): What is your opinion on why she can’t tolerate cereals since starting the treatment?
(G.V.): Well, maybe a remedy that does not tolerate cereals is coming up, we shall see. Especially the Natrums—Natrum muriaticum and Natrum carbonicum—cannot tolerate cereals, but that holds true for several other remedies as well. It is better to wait in this case and not to jump to a prescription. Pulsatilla was clearly indicated, that I was sure of. Considering how well she is doing, why should I give her another remedy? What a difference there is between how she was during the first interview and later in the follow-up. And we’ve seen that, although she thought she was getting worse, in fact she was progressing quite nicely. This should help you discern what merely appears to be the case from the actual truth of the matter.