
The Celle Seminars_Page 245

Celle Seminar I, Case 8: Psoriasis

thing. You can always use creams, like Vaseline9, to soften your skin.
(F.P.): I always use a cream similar to Vaseline. (G. V.): You can use these things because they will not suppress your disease; but if you use something stronger on your skin, your condition will be suppressed and other problems will appear.
(F.P.): I’m aware of that. Still, I read in your book that in special cases—and especially in those cases where homeopathic treatments did not do any good—things can become too difficult to handle. So, I don’t know whether you can cure me. (G. V.): This is a difficult case, but so far, according to the laws of homeopathy, you are doing better, despite your skin being worse. I can accept your concern about your skin, but exactly to the extent that your skin is worse, your inner disease is better. You can’t discount this law. So, if your skin is 50% worse, you’re 50% better inside; if your skin is 60% worse, then you are 60% better inside; and if your skin is 100% worse, then you are 100% better inside! But your skin is not a 100% worse because it was already bad when I saw you before. I’d say that your skin is 60% worse and your inner condition, the headaches, fears, and psychological condition are 60% better. I understand the psychological state you must be in and that the itching and everything else concerning your skin causes you despair. But I also know that people with psoriasis, if they don’t suppress it, can live a hundred years! There is no real danger to your health when the skin is like that; the danger only arises when the skin condition is suppressed. This is how we understand a disease. (F.P.): Do you think that after six months worth of treatment I still have a chance of being homeopathically cured? (G.V.): I cannot say. (F.P.): What is your feeling?
(G.V.): If you continue treatment, within a few years your skin will improve; maybe it’ll be tolerably better, but not completely clear. I don’t believe you will ever have completely clear skin again, but your health will be better in general and so will your