
The Celle Seminars_Page 244

George Vithoulkas

pital and be treated allopathically. We are now fighting this; we might even have to go to court. (G.V.): And they would give her Cortisone? (Therapist): Or whatever. She has repeatedly found that these allopathic remedies aggravate her and call up her fears. But we cannot convince the-


(G.V.): The fears and anxieties all came after she was treated with Cortisone and other allopathic drugs, and now the reverse action is taking place beautifully. This is a very successful treatment, and she is sure to see her skin improve greatly within a few months. I know by the appearance of her skin that the aggression will decrease if we don’t touch this case. From the interrogation, Pulsatilla appeared quite strongly. I think we should still wait before giving it. As you will see now, she cries more easily and sticks her feet out; these are Pulsatilla symptoms.


(G.V.): …the fears will subside, then eventually the skin will start getting better as well, but this will happen last. First the disease will come out in the skin, everything, all the disturbances will come out in the skin.
(F.P.): And if not, if my skin stays the same? Isn’t there something that I can do for my skin?
(G.V.): No. If you use a Cortisone cream and spread it all over your body, I believe that within a week your skin would be eighty percent better; but then you would suffer from headaches, the fears would start coming back, and your heart would be upset.
(F.P.): No, not Cortisone. Can’t you do anything with sunlight? (G.V.): The problem with you is that sunlight makes you worse, although it is usually okay for other people because it’s a natural