
The Celle Seminars_Page 243

Celle Seminar I, Case 8: Psoriasis

(F.P.): I would say that my psychological state is quite good, independent of my skin condition.
(G.V.): Would you say that you suffer more because of the itching and the burning, or because of your appearance? (F.P.): More because of the burning and itching, but also because of the way it looks.
(Therapist): She said another thing: since she stopped eating cereals she has a much greater desire for sweets. Sometimes she’ll eat a bar of chocolate just like that.
(F.P.): But I can’t do it often because then I have the same reac¬tions that I have with cereals, alcohol, coffee, tea, and so on. (Therapist): She said that she has a much greater fear and anxiety about her disease.
(F.P.): Yes, particularly in terms of serious diseases. There was a time when I feared that the mammary cyst that I have might be cancerous.
(G.V.): When they examined it and found out that it wasn’t cancerous, did the fear remain or did it go away? (F.P.): No, I wasn’t very calmed down by that doctor. He said this half-a-year later, that I have to live with this risk. I have a black spot here, on the skin. It’s been examined by a dermatologist and he’ll cut it out on April 6 to determine whether it is malignant or not. (G.V.): What about your body temperature, does it change?


(G.V.): Push it forward to where I am trying to see if there are any other symptoms that might indicate the next remedy.
(F.P.): The insurance company wants me to go to a rehabilitation center, but I’m not sure whether I’ll get the money for that. (Therapist): If she does not go, they threaten to discontinue paying her disability benefits; then she would have to go to the hos-